Gourmet stops in Sardinia


For you guests of our beautiful island, we’ve prepared a gourmet itinerary, without which your motorcycle trip would not be complete. So what do we recommend to drink and eat in Sardinia?

    • Zuppa gallurese
    • Vermentino di Gallura
    • Linguine vongole e bottarga
    • Lumache piccanti al sugo
    • Culurgiones al ragù
    • Seadas al miele di corbezzolo
    • Panadas
    • Pappassini
    • Mirto
    • Pecorino Sardo

Eating at an agriturismo is probably the best way to get to know the typical Sardinian dishes and wines, such as culurgiones, roasted piglett and cannonau. In that case be prepared to wait a few hours after the meal, before driving again. Usually, the amount of food offered by their menus is really abundant and the wine “hits”.

Zuppa Gallurese

Zuppa Gallurese is made from layers of typical Sardinian bread soaked in mutton broth and cheese. Altrough, the word “zuppa” means “soup” in italian, by it’s appearance, this it looks more like a lasagna. It’s a filling and delicious meal.

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Agriturismo Li Paladini – Olbia

Vermentino di Gallura

Vermentino di Gallura DOP includes the following types of wine: White, Spumante, Sparkling, Passito and Vendemmia Tardiva. Product of the Gallura area, which includes 23 municipalities in the province of Sassari, in the Sardinia region.

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Le Cantine Surrau – Arzachena

Linguine vongole e bottarga

The finishing touch to this classic Italian dish is bottarga of mullet , also referred to as Mediterranean caviar. Once tasted, the option of leaving Sardinia without having purchased this as a gift is really difficult.

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Lucina Restaurant and Bar – Porto Cervo

Lumache piccanti al sugo

An ancient and authentic recipe from the Gallura area is mainly prepared in autumn and both the ingredients and the preparation are simple.

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Le Due Lanterne – Sassari

Culurgiones al ragù

Unlike the more common ravioli, durum wheat semolina is used for their preparation. Tasty, rich and fragrant, culurgiones are typical sardinian fresh stuffed pasta.

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Ristorante Rocca Ja – Castelsardo

Seadas al miele di corbezzolo

The Seada is part of the Traditional Products of Sardinia, deep fried and seasoned to taste with corbezzolo tree honey. It is one of the most loved desserts of our island.

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Every restaurant, trattoria, agriturimo or gastronomy will have this delicious dessert on the menu.


The inside ofthese small savory tarts varies according to the production area and is composed of a fragrant shell of dough. A real joy for the palate.

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La casa della Panada – Oschiri


The Sardinian sweets that are made during the holidays and their recipe varies from town to town; in the south of the island cinnamon and vanilla are added, while in the northern orange zest and fennel seeds prevail.

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Quasi tutti i supermercati in Sardegna avranno i papassini e tanti altri dolci locali deliziosi in vendita.


Myrtle is a plant typical of the Mediterranean area that has found an ideal habitat in Sardinia and Corsica. It is also an perfect digestive to conclude a typical meal on the island.

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While in supermarkets and restaurants this liqueur is an essential product, the best you will try is the one made at home by some of your Sardinian hosts.

Pecorino Sardo

Pecorino Sardo DOP is a versatile ingredient, capable of characterizing each dish and stimulating everyone’s creativity, it cannot be missing in your souvenir basket.

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Most bars and restaurants in Sardinia offer delicious Sardinian cheese platters.